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Re-ordered Church Gallery
Our Church has just undergone re-ordering. A History of our Church is available [ by clicking here ] .
Flower Festival 2003 Gallery
Our 'Life in Abundance' Celebration of the Life of the Church and Parish in Flowers took place over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend. The Church was adorned with flower displays representing different aspects of Life. Photos taken by Ray Harper, to whom great thanks are due.
Organ Installation 2004 Gallery
Photos taken throughout this whole, unique process by Ray Harper.
Ray has also written an article about the wonderful organ we have inherited and rebuilt and it is available [ by clicking here ] .
Consecration after Reordering 2003 Gallery
The celebration was a wonderful event shared by the whole community.
Outside Gallery
Gives a flavour of what St Werburgh's Church looks like externally.
General 2004 Photos
Includes a picture of our Christmas Crib.
[Parish Centre]
[St Werburgh Prayer]
[Church History]
©MMVIX St Werburgh's Parish, Chester - Diocese of Shrewsbury